USA Swimming is committed to fostering a fun, healthy, and safe environment for all its members, and in 2010, it formally implemented a comprehensive Safe Sport program to respond to and prevent instances of abuse and misconduct within the sport of swimming.  Since then USA Swimming Safe Sport has worked tirelessly to educate members, put policies in place, and empower LSCs and clubs to create the best possible environments for all members.

Full implementation of the Safe Sport Program involves six key components:

  1. Policies and Guidelines
  2. Screening and Selection
  3. Training and Education
  4. Monitoring and Supervision
  5. Recognizing, Responding, and Reporting
  6. Grassroots Engagement and Feedback

APT Requirement for Adult Athletes

Attached are the Safe Sport Policies Adopted by the Fairport Area Swim Team (FAST) in April 2020

Permission Forms

Permission for an Unrelated Applicable Adult to Provide Local Transportation to Minor Athlete
Permission for an Unrelated Applicable Adult to Travel to Competition with Minor Athlete
Permission for an Unrelated Adult Athlete to Share the Same Lodging with a Minor Athlete
Permission for a Licensed Massage Therapist or Other Certified Professional or Health Care Provider to Treat a Minor Athlete

Fairport Area Swim Team (FAST) Safe Sport Coordinator:

Nicholas Weiner
(585) 421-2134 (office)
[email protected]


To Deal with a Safe Sport Concern, contact USA Swimming at (719) 866-4578. Contact the U.S. Center for Safe Sport to make a report.
833-5US-SAFE (587-7233) or use the online reporting form or find more information at